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Goodbye December Days - A Reflection on the Month

Kari Primoizic

December is gone and the Primozic Family took December Back! I do believe my family and I honored our commitment to focusing on what was important to us during the holiday season. We were generally peaceful (for a family of 5 with a big furry dog), we did enjoy our tree by the fire, watch Christmas movies and simply spend time together.

To be completely honest, I still struggled with gifts for my kids – read more here

In the end the peaceful time with my family is what mattered the most. Time with my husband and children. Time with grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. Time with friends. TIME with the ones we love.

The biggest motivator for me when Taking December Back is my kids. How do I want them to remember our time together over the holidays? As a mother, what will I have made a priority to us during the holiday season? Will I have modeled cookies and cards are important or that Jesus is important? Will I have enjoyed the season or just survived? Will I have shown my dedication for peace and joy or traded it for over commitment? I HOPE I have modeled commitment to my family and the desire to make Jesus and family a priority.

As we took the tree down a few days ago and started to pack up the Christmas decorations – my heart felt sad. Which is funny for me because I usually love getting my home back to “normal”. We decided to leave out some of the more winter like décor; and my favorite little trees with photos of my kids over the years still adorn the sofa table in the living room. I’m really not a scrooge!

My hope for my family during future Decembers is that we continue to honor what is important to us and remember to cherish each other and our Christian Faith!

The time parents have with young children is rather short. One day, my children will be adults and will start their own holiday traditions and celebrations. Do I want them to carry on one of our traditions they learned from childhood? Sure I do, but more importantly, I hope they are able to celebrate in a way that brings them joy - however that looks!

So, year three of Taking December Back is in the books!! What else do I need to take back?

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