For the past five years, my family and I have taken December back! We have consciously decided to go against the normal expectations of the season – yikes!! We have decided to hold on to the most important events and traditions and let go of the ones that get in the way of our peace and joy!
In the past, the month of December and the preparation up to Christmas Day – got a little out of control for my family. So, I wanted the month BACK. I wanted my family to really understand and focus on the true meaning of Christmas. Yes, we are Christians here at the Primozic Household, so we are going to celebrate Jesus more and the Christmas craze less.
There is actually a piece of me that wants this December spirit to last all year long!! Why limit our jolly and good will to one month a year? Maybe it would be too exhausting!?
I’m not a scrooge; I have simply taken the initiative to lead my family into focusing on what is important during the holiday season for us; and not buying into the cultural norms. We have worked at cherishing our favorite things/events of the season. We do need to regularly remind ourselves of the reason for the season - in our family!
My views and changes in my family are not to make other families feel bad for their traditions or love of December (I love December too.). I also love and appreciate all my friends that simply celebrate the secular side of Christmas; and by no means want to discount the many that appreciate the sounds, sights and gift giving of the season in this secular sense. My intention is by sharing my family experience and positive change, I may ignite another Mom out there to take her December back too (if she wants to) – as I know I am not alone in the overwhelming December experience.
Over these past 5 years, my family has learned how to stay grounded and calm- for the most part! I want to be real here, we are a family of 5 with two teens, a ten year old and a 1 year old Bernese Mountain dog – so grounded and calm are always evolving. More importantly, we have worked as a family to fight for our family time and commitment to what we value!
I also have learned over the years, that my privilege of limiting the month of December is something that not all people experience. Many families and people struggle emotionally and financially during the holidays, this struggle is something that I want to respect and try and share with my kids.
Looking forward to Taking December Back! I pray I will keep at it and be intentional and realistic about my family commitments.