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Kari Primozic

What to do with that pretty goal?

So, you set a goal- now what?

Don’t let your goal be a pretty little statement that looks nice and sounds good – make it happen! To make it happen, you will need to make a commitment to your goal or goals!

Once you have your goal, you will need to plan your accountability piece. Planning your accountability means find someone to report your progress to along the way or come up with a plan on how you will monitor you. This person may be a friend, coworker or you may hire a coach. Whether it is a plan or a person – get your accountability piece established and stick to it!!!!

Your goal looks good, you have the accountability piece set up and here comes the challenging part – you will need to WORK AT IT. Each day, week and month (depending on your timeline). Make a plan for what you are going to do and TAKE ACTION!

Action is key! What action will you be taking to work at your goal? The action may just be small tasks to get done each week that will end up making a big impact in a couple months!! To know the action needed you will have to schedule a regular time to review your goal(s) and set you next plan for taking action.

Now parents, you are busy people – you have a job, kids, maybe a dog, extra curricular activities, social engagements for you and your kids, the list goes on! Whether you have toddlers or teens, you have stuff to do! You are going to need to get real and really stick to your plan of action. Pick times that work for you and your family!! Don’t commit to Saturday morning goal review if your son/daughter has Saturday morning games. Find a time that is realistic for your lifestyle.

The greatest reward is the progress you will make with dedicated and regular commitment to the action needed to get your goal accomplished!!

The Next Level:

If you want to take your goal achievement to the next level, check out my coaching call options. If you have a vision board, use the vision board check in option- which is a great way to keep you focused and accountable. Maybe you just need a Discovery Coaching Call to get focused!! Whatever it may be, I have options to fit your needs. If you are ready, I would love to work with you!

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