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Kari Primozic

Got Courage?

Courage is not the absence of fear. It is the acting in spite of it.

Mark Twain

Am I courageous? I hope so! Not the type of courage we see from people when an emergency strikes, but the type of courage it takes to get through each day. When I think of this daily courage; I think of all the courage it takes to share my real feelings with a friend, colleague, even my husband. The courage it takes to put yourself out there and be who you are. The courage it takes to show my kids I make mistakes and that I am human. Many of these thoughts come from reading the book, Daring Greatly, by Brene Brown. Check out Brene Brown as she talks about vulnerability, shame and so much more! It’s a little uncomfortable. Here is one of her TED talks.

It’s risky to be courageous. I want my children to take academic risks and try new things. I want them to be who they are and stand alone if they need to – this takes courage. Modeling my own courage will surely help my children –right?? Most days I have to remind myself that making progress will not be perfect and having courage will look messy.

Most of us probably need day to day courage more than we realize. I think just getting my kids out of bed, lunches made and on to the bus takes a certain amount of courage (and stamina). Being engaged with our families, an authentic person, a unique individual, trusted companion, devoted wife/husband , admired professional, forever friend, responsible parent– all take courage. But, maybe when we muster up the courage to share our best thinking and do things that are a little uncomfortable – we evolve. Evolve into what? I’m not sure? Webster’s Dictionary defines evolve as: to change or develop slowly often into a better, more complex, or more advanced state. Hmm….. not bad!! More advanced sounds good and I think the definition is referring to “complex” as a positive.

I fall short all the time. Courage can be scary. But maybe when I am feeling a little nervous or on the brink of going into my shell, maybe I will think about how I could evolve into something better and maybe just be a better person for myself, husband, children, family, friends, clients and any other person in my life.

Got courage?

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