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Don't Punch Yourself In The Face

Kari Primoizic

One Saturday morning a while back, I woke up grumpy. I was grumping at my husband, my kids, even our dog. I think some part of me liked being grumpy. It was time for all of us to get dressed and going for the day – sporting events, errands, etc. I went huffing and puffing to my room to get dressed. I was going to work out come hell or high water that day, so I grabbed my workout clothes! As I go to put on my sports bra (in a grumpy fashion), I put my right arm through the strap and then somehow with all my force and grumpiness, I slip and punch myself right in the side of the face. Not one of my better moments! It hurt! I could barely eat dinner that evening because of the pain in my jaw. Nothing like a little punch in the face to humble the grumpy soul.

So, I shared what happened with my forgiving family!! I think they took pity on me!

This story relates to a chapter in the book, Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff…and It’s all small stuff, by Richard Carlson; specifically to the title of chapter 92, “Realize The Power of Your Own thoughts.” In this chapter Richard Carlson writes: ”If you were to become aware of only one mental dynamic, the most important one to know about would be the relationship between your thinking and the way you feel.” This seems so basic, of course we all know this, but do we practice it?? Not thinking I was when I punched myself in the face!!

We all experience situations in our daily life that are challenging. Some things are just difficult. Teaching my children, heck teaching myself, to process life’s challenges without going over the edge is tough. I think what we tell ourselves is so important in how we journey through life.

What AM I telling myself in the tough times??? I’d like to say I am forgiving of myself and try to see the bright side – which for the most part is true – but I know there are times I struggle with positive self talk. Prayer is my answer most days!

I’m trying not to “sweat the small stuff”, but there are days where I am sweating it all! Can anyone relate?? May we all realize the power of our thoughts and do something about it; before we get a punch in the face!


Courageous Living

Kari Primozic Consulting LLC 

Courage, Conversation and Coaching 

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