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Kari Primozic

Can I live up to all these SOs?

I just came across this photo and wanted to share! This was about 4 years ago . I was heading out to a meeting, my 6 year old (at the time) was sad about my departure. When I got home, this note was on my nightstand.

This type of love is the best! The kind a 6 year old possesses! Can I live up to all these Sos?? These are the precious little things we parents get to experience; these are the little things that make rough days easier.

These little notes only last for a short time, as our kids get older and writing love notes is different - more like a text messages these days - but I'll take it!! I'm up for a "love you" text, heart emoji or blow a kiss emoji from my teens any old day! Just to keep it real - I also get texts that are NOT "love you" and the emojis are not always hearts and smiles.

This gesture of complete devotion and unconditional love is so simple yet so powerful. Maybe it is simply a reminder that unconditional love (like a six year) is all we need in our relationships.

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