Why should we be grateful? Who cares? If families and their kids are grateful what exactly does that mean? Does is simply mean they feel fortunate for their experiences or their stuff? Or is it deeper than just a feeling of appreciation and thankfulness?
In Daring Greatly, by Dr. Brene Brown, she writes about her research and the connections between joy, gratitude, vulnerability and more. In Daring Greatly, Chapter 4 “The Vulnerability Armory”, there is a section dedicated to practicing gratitude. Here is a paragraph from this section:
“If the opposite of scarcity is enough, then practicing gratitude is how we acknowledge that there’s enough and that we’re enough. I use the word practicing because the research participants spoke of tangible gratitude practices, more than merely having an attitude of gratitude or feeling grateful. In fact, they gave specific examples of gratitude practices that included everything from keeping gratitude journals and gratitude jars to implementing family gratitude rituals. “ (Brene Brown, Daring Greatly)
As I reflect on the above quote, I wonder: If families practice gratitude, will it support growing kids (tots to teens here) in developing a sense of thankfulness and appreciation as well as the ability to experience joy? If so – I’ll take it – if I can lead my children to a life of joy – I’m in!!
What about this gratefulness? What are we grateful for? I like to think of the things I am grateful for in two categories. The big gratefuls and the ordinary gratefuls! (I am intentionally using the word: gratefuls)
The big gratefuls are the exciting events and experiences like trips, special events, accomplishments and achievements. The ordinary gratefuls are the day to day things. Get basic here, think - food, shelter and clothing! There is something extraordinary about our ordinary gratefuls. Taking a moment to be grateful for your dinner, making it through the school/work day or for a peaceful time at home can really be extraordinary. The big and ordinary gratefuls will be different for each – as we all live different lives and have different perspectives.
How do we get to this practice of gratitude? Maybe just implement one of those practices from above? In my family we practice gratitude at dinner. We have been doing this practice for about seven years. At dinner, we share what we are grateful for that day! Most of the time we just share in conversation and a couple times a week we write our grateful down in a journal. In past years we have also written our gratefuls down on little papers or sticky notes and stuck them to the pantry door in our kitchen! Most of the things we write are the ordinary gratefuls! My personal fav!
If you are interested in this family gratitude thing, then may I encourage you to - get to it! Pick your practice! What will work for your family? How will you implement it? You got this!!!