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Kari Primozic

The Holidays Can Be Hard

Have you ever had a conversation with someone and they say something like: “The Holidays are hard for me.” Or “I don’t really like the Holidays.”? Taking time to think about December as the season of peace and joy; reminds me that many are just trying to work through December.

Even those who enjoy the holiday season, may use terms like: “Let’s just make it through the holidays.” or “Let’s just get through the holidays.” Sometimes, I feel like our culture today treats the holidays like a chore! Is it a chore? I hope not.

During a time of year when many are having parties and buying presents; many are not feeling the joy. An awareness of those around us who may struggle or just feel overwhelmed during the holiday season seems important!

Simply search “holiday stress” and you will find many articles on how to deal with the holidays, tips on how to get it all done, even suggestions on surviving time with you family.

Check this out:

We are all in it together, however we feel – well at least the majority of Americans. According to the Pew Research Center December 2017 report, nine out of ten Americans – about 90% say they celebrate Christmas. Only 46% of Americans say they celebrate Christmas as a religious holiday! (

The holiday blues can be real for many. As my family and I get excited about Thanksgiving, finding the perfect Christmas tree and listening to some holiday tunes; I hope our joy can be shared with all, while maintaining an appreciation for those who are still searching for the joy.

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