Mom Courage, it’s hard to define in simple terms. It is so many things, I’m having trouble with connecting the words that would give justice to such a complex, meaningful and totally overwhelming experience. A courage that starts at pregnancy or adoption and continues for a lifetime. Can the courage a mom possesses be limited to just a few words? I’m not sure it can, it’s just that BIG.
Here are some ways to define Mom Courage and there are many more.
Mom Courage:
The courage to love always without conditions, yet enforce the rules and boundaries.
The courage to know you can’t do it all for your child(ren), they will need to go out into the world and navigate without you.
The courage to let your child(ren) be who they are and less of what you think.
The courage to say no.
The courage to ask for help from family, friends, and professionals.
The courage to know your kid(s) will mess up, screw up and make mistakes.
The courage to hold on to your little one(s) so tight and slowly release the grip as they grow; as you know in your heart this is the way.
The courage to support and to let go.
The courage to work.
The courage to be a role model.
The courage to be grateful.
The courage to trust your child(ren).
The courage to disagree with your child(ren).
The courage to standby and support the hopes and dreams of a young soul and an old soul.
The courage to tell your child(ren) why you love them so much.
The courage to be you, while fostering your child(ren) to be herself/ himself.
The courage to do all the things required.
The courage to be strong, even when every minute sucks.
The courage to have faith you will make it through.
The courage to know you will mess up and you will need to apologize…. to your child(ren).
The courage to allow joy each day.
The courage to have a love so great you may break down in tears.
Please comment below to add your own Mom Couarge definition!